window displays

shop Aperlaï, 28 rue de mont thabor Paris- designer Felix&Jansen - wallpaper de Gournay
shop Aperlaï, 28 rue de mont thabor Paris- designer Felix&Jansen - wallpaper de Gournay

Window displays - From 2013 to 2017


Within de Gournay, Cécile Gay has been involved in many window display projects, including for the biggest name in haute-couture and finest jewellery. All these projects were using a bespoke hand-painted wallpaper made by de Gournay. Each design is totally customized according to the needs of each project in order to  make it unique. Cécile Gay was the designer doing the link between the clients mainly visual-merchandisers and the de Gournay workshop, doing the quotes, the first samples and the follow-up for manufacturing taking into account the very short lead-times. At the end, she could also do the hand-painted touch-ups possibly needed on spot on the hung wallpapers, just before the opening.


Most of these projects are confidential. So, this page is only showing an incomplete view of the work done. We are also not mentioning the name of the clients to preserve their anonymity.